
The Mikron Group develops, produces and markets extremely precise, productive and adaptable automation solutions, manufacturing systems and cutting tools. Mikron is anchored in Swiss innovation culture and operates globally as a partner to companies in the automotive, pharmaceutical, medical technology, consumer goods, writing instruments and horology industries.


  • Digitization both enables and requires agility
  • Cooperation across teams and locations is subject to a continuous change process
  • Innovative client products also require an innovation of their own internal processes


  • Empowerment and guidance of "Agility Agents" across both locations and functions
  • Support of internal change management and communication measures
  • Conception and implementation of leadership platforms


  • Establishment of a committed and pro-active group ‘Agility Agents’
  • Acceleration of the digital transformation
  • Stronger change management competencies for top executives
We help our clients achieve and maintain a leading position in their field. Bernd Remmers Consultants succeeded in adapting our key players to a ‘VUCAD-world’ in an agile manner, and in making them active contributors to change. Bruno Cathomen, CEO Mikron Group